All that Blood Moon / Lunar Eclipse hype


There seemed to be a lot of hype about this Blood Moon/Lunar Eclipse phenomenon we were calculated to experience this past Sunday night. I blame social media, lol. Did you make any special efforts to see it? Ok, I admit it, did get sucked into the hype and wanted to check it out myself. I even went as far as setting up my tripod and camera and going outside to snap a few pictures.

So, there I was at about 9:45pm, taking my tripod and camera up the street...some trees were blocking my view right at my house, so I had to find a decent spot. As I set up my camera at a good location, with a good view of the moon, I also realized I had a pretty decent view of my neighbors house...and his bedroom, which had a light on. I was really hoping that he wasn't going to see me out there....with a "I swear, I am just here to look at the moon", I thought to myself. Please don't see me and think I'm a weirdo or a peeper! I just want to see the moon!

I wasn't sure I'd get any decent shots. See, I am actually in desperate need of a new and better camera, especially now that I am blogging. But my mediocre $150 Olympus camera was going to have to do! Well, I was actually pleasantly surprised! I got a few really good shots! I am glad I was able to do so, because my six year old really wanted to see it, but there was no way I was going to let him stay up until 10pm, nor would he have been able to make it that late anyway! So, I will share these with him when he gets home from school later today. I wonder if he will be impressed by it, or just be like "oh...ok..." and be totally over it in one minute lol.

I thought it was pretty neat, but not really worth all the talk. I had been outside around 8pm to walk my dog, and the moon was huge then! Ya know, that "Supermoon" thing, where the moon looks 14% larger than usual because Earth is closer to it. But somehow in the next hour or two, the moon seemed to be back to it's normal size. Maybe that was supposed to happen, but I must say, the whole experience would have been a lot better if the eclipse and blood moon thing happened at the same time the moon was extra huge. It was still cool, don't get me wrong, I'm glad I stepped out to have a little look-see!

In case you missed it...I'm sharing my pictures with you. This is what we could see here,
in Western New York :)

Did you enjoy a similar view last night?



  1. I saw it towards the very end, only because I was out walking my dog. I brought my kids out to see it for a bit. That is so funny about being able to see your neighbor through the window. =)

  2. Love your photos of it! I only had my iPhone and any photos I attempted just looked like the regular moon!

  3. Wow. You got some nice shots. I honestly didn't even read about it, but my husband was all over it. He took my oldest out, then finally convince me to go out too. It was actually pretty cool. I tried to get pictures, but didn't do as well as you.

  4. You had a great view!
    It started pouring here right after the eclipse began and the clouds completely covered up the moon. Of course!

  5. Thanks for sharing these! I'm from Western, NY originally...Rochester. I wanted to check it out, but ended up forgetting so I'm glad I got to see your pics. That is so funny about being out there at night in front of the neighbors bedroom, hahhaaha. Thank goodness he didn't notice you. But then that's a little scary if you think about it too, lol....

  6. I was so sad that we couldn't see it. It's been rainy here in VA for over a week :(

  7. It was a bit cloudy here at first, but then I finally got to see it!

  8. Gorgeous photos thanks, here in Ohio it was too cloudy. I get to enjoy the photos on facebook!

  9. Lucky you! We didn't get to see it because the eclipse happened at 10:30 am local time, such a bummer!

  10. We missed the best part of the red moon by 20 minutes because we were so sleepy lol, and it was cloudy here! Love your photos, it's so hard to get good ones of the moon!

  11. WOW!!!! You got incredible shots (And thankfully not of your neighbour! lol). These are just stunning. I regret not trying to see it. But I don't even have an Olympus. Just an iPhone so there's no chance I would have caught anything. Lol.

  12. Your pics came out great girlie!!!! It was pretty neat to see. I took afew pics and they all came out ughh..... Swear everyone got better pics so I didn't even post them lol


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