Fashion Friday with HQB!

Alright guys...I took a little step away from blogging for the last month or so...but, with good reason! I got married! So, as you can guess, there was a lot going on and a lot to do! I just needed to focus on my personal life for a bit...I'm sure you all can understand and relate. Do y'all want to see some pics? I was thinking about maybe doing a little blog post about our big day, but I don't know yet, lol.
So, yes, now that I am a happily married woman, (my hubby is so awesome, by the way!) I can start getting back to my normal routine. So, I figured jumping back in for a Fashion Friday blog post sounded like a good plan! Mostly because I have recently seen two fashion trends that have me scratching my head! I need to talk about them!
Now, I am no fashion expert, but I like to think that I have good fashion sense. When new trends pop up, some I like, some not so much. But, I must say, to these two that I have recently heard as the "latest trend", I just want to say "No, No, No!"  
Furry nails? Have y'all seen this? Going to get your nails done is great, but please, leave the fur off! I don't even get the idea behind this. Does someone actually think this looks good? And can I just say, from germ and sanitation aspect of this "trend"...gross! How do you use the bathroom, and wash your hands with these furry things on your fingers? Oh gosh, it is just such nonsense!

The other thing I recently heard was a trend was this unicorn horn hairstyle. I don't know what exactly to call it, but that sounds about right. So, girls will make like a braid type thing upward from the front of their heads and it looks like a unicorn horn. Umm...I don't even know what to say, lol. Unless it is Halloween and you are dressing up as a unicorn, this is definitely a big "no" in my book.
I love fashion. I love following trends. But sometimes I think people has just gotten too carried away, or maybe it is just that we have done so much that it is hard to find the new cool thing to do. Anyway, I just had to express my dislike of the furry nails and of the unicorn horn hair.
What do you guys think? Yay or Nay on these trends???


  1. First, Congratulations!!!!!!! So exciting! I definitely want to see pictures and hear all about it, so a post or three are a must. Second, those trends are just awful. I can't imagine how gross those nails would get. Yuck. Plus, they look crazy and so does that hair.

  2. These are fun ideas! The unicorn one is hilarious. My daughter would love to see it on someone, but I don't think she would actually wear it.

  3. Congratulations! I'm not too sure however about theses trends...just imagine walking past someone in the streets with a unicorn horn hairstyle haha!

  4. Omg the fur nails!!! Swear I don't know who comes up with that ridiculousness!!! Ewwww!!!

  5. There are definitely some...interesting trends out there. I really can't understand either of these.
    Congrats on getting married!

  6. OMG the furry nails seriously need to go away! It's kind of weird and creepy.

  7. NAY on both! But congrats on getting married and YES to pics!!!!

  8. Congratulations! And OMG those furry nails look disgusting! No way! I'll stick to Jamberrys! LOL

  9. Congratulations! And OMG those furry nails look disgusting! No way! I'll stick to Jamberrys! LOL


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