Alexander and I @ Fall Fest 2015 at Peek 'n Peak Ski Resort |
Well, we sure did have a busy weekend, my son and I. Here in Western New York it is Fall but the weather has been amazing! This weekend our near by ski resort, Peek 'n Peak, was holding their annual Fall Fest. We have gone before but it's always a fun way to spend the day and since the weather was warm and sunny, there was no way we were going to miss it this year!
Peek 'n Peak is a pretty neat place. The scenery is absolutely beautiful and they have things to do all year round. Skiing of course in the winter, but they also have a fabulous golf course, miniature golf, zip lines, and in-door and out-door pool, a spa, and a restaurant and bar, often with live performances.
Their Fall Fest really is a huge event and kicks off the coming of ski season. For this special weekend of activities they offer rides on the ski lifts, where you can take in the beautiful views of all the colors of the changing leaves. I am not a fan of heights, but for some reason my son really loves riding the ski lift...so of course I sucked it up and did it for him. I must say, the view is worth it! At one point I started feeling some anxiety while riding and my son took my hand and said, "hold my hand mommy, be brave, you'll be fine." I was so touched by his kindness. Everyday he does something that reminds me how special he is!
loved the view! |
They had a huge car show with reportedly over 700 cars being shown! Surprisingly, my son isn't too into cars yet, so we didn't spend too much time checking them out, but we did see some amazing cars! I even saw one (sorry didn't catch the model) with all the hydraulics, that the owner was proudly showing off. It's funny to watch a car "dance" like that lol. My son really liked one with an abnormally large spoiler for some reason, and I really liked some old pink truck! All the amazing sports cards were impressive too, but I walked away thinking the pink truck was my favorite!
Xander's favorite car ^ |
huge car show |
My favorite car from the car show ^ |
They also had a petting zoo with several different animals, and even pony rides for the kids. My son wasn't interested in riding a pony, but we did enjoy petting many of the animals. They had a miniature pony, which was the size of a medium dog. She was precious! She even had her mane is a ponytail! Adorable. I want one! There was a little train ride for toddlers and a rock climbing wall and trampoline/bungee thing for slightly older ones. They had many jewelry and craft tents, fresh produce stands, and lots of food, snacks and drinks! I don't allow much junk food, but for once I let my son get some cotton candy. He was thrilled with that lol. Alexander kept seeing kids with these little wooden penguins on a stick that you "walk" and they have wheels and leather feet that sort of slap the pavement as you go. He really wanted one and I figured they would be probably ridiculously expensive. Once we finally found the craft tent where they were located, I was pleasantly surprised to find out they were only $5., so I let him get one. He named him "Flopper".
Alexander with the miniature pony |
I want a miniature pony! How cute! |
Alexander with "Flopper" |
Fall Harvest <3 |
We also took a horse drawn carriage ride! I have a deep love and passion for horses. They are just an amazing animal, so strong and beautiful. These were two beautiful black horses and looked healthy and very well cared for. They took us from one end of the resort to the other, and back. During our ride we passed the beautiful golf course, that was full of golfers. We also saw many families utilizing the miniature golf course too. Xander really wanted to do the miniature golf but there just wasn't time to do it all, so I told him we'd do that next year. :)

I love when my son and I get to have special time together like we did this weekend. We take full advantage of our "Mommy and Xander Days", as we call them. There is nothing like enjoying one-on-one time with your child and getting to bond with them! We had a great time and made some great memories! Do you have any sort of Fall Festivals in your area that you like to attend? Do they offer similar things? What do you enjoy doing with your kids? Do tell :)
This is my first Fall out East. I just love all of the fall colours! The event you and your son went to at Peak n' Peek looks so nice!!! I'm hoping to find some good fall places for me and the kids in our new city.
ReplyDeleteOMG the miniature pony is so adorable! ♥♥♥
ReplyDeleteLooks like an amazing day & that pony is definitely adorable :)
ReplyDeleteWhat a fun way to celebrate fall with the family. The ride on the ski lift looks like a lot of fun!
ReplyDeleteLooks like y'all had a blast! Great pictures!
ReplyDeleteLove the pics! Looks like you had a blast!
ReplyDeleteWhat an awesome view from up there! I love seeing all the fall colors!
ReplyDeleteLooks so fun! I love hunting for the perfect pumpkin!
ReplyDeleteWhat a lovely event and gorgeous pictures! That's fun to go on the ski lift without the snow.
ReplyDeleteI was so sad we missed this :( I wanted to go since the weather was pretty decent, but yeah wouldn't of been cute wabbling around with my fracture foot lol. Glad you and Xander had a great time!
ReplyDeleteThis looks like a lot of fun!
ReplyDeleteWhat a fun weekend! Flopper is adorable and what a great price!
ReplyDeleteWhat a beautiful place. I'm glad you and your family had so much fun. Fall Festivals are the best.
ReplyDeleteIt looks like you had a wonderful time. I am excited for the fall activities that starting to happen in our area.
ReplyDeleteSounds like you both had so much fun. I love spending one on one time with each of my boys, although it doesn't happen often enough. We're all going to a Pumpkin farm this weekend so I'm looking forward to that.
ReplyDeleteThe cable car looks exciting! Great place to bring the kids on weekends. Now I can only wish this was near where we live!
ReplyDeleteAhh, that miniature pony is too cute! It looks like you had a great time! I hope to find an event like that in my area.
ReplyDeleteYour pictures are beautiful (and that miniature pony is so sweet!). I wish I could take my son on a cable car, but he's terrified of heights :(
ReplyDeleteWhat a fun event! The colorful trees must have been BEAUTIFUL up in the ski lift!
ReplyDeletexo, Caitlin
And Possibly Dinosaurs
Oh my goodness! These fall fest pictures are so adorable. You look stunning dear. Fall is one of my favorite seasons. I also attend annual fall fest at the domestic event venues San Francisco. We also have so much fun over there!
ReplyDeleteعملية تكميم المعدة لها فوائد مثل تقليل هرمونات الجوع، وتحسين السيطرة على مرض السكري، وتقليل مخاطر الإصابة بأمراض القلب. بالإضافة إلى ذلك، يمكن أن يساعد في تحسين جودة النوم وتقليل أعراض الاكتئاب وكذلك تحسين نوعية الحياة بشكل عام.
ReplyDeleteمرض غرغرينا القدم السكري هو مشكلة صحية خطيرة يعاني منها الأشخاص المصابين بمرض السكري النمط الثاني. يتميز هذا المرض بتضرر الأعصاب والأوعية الدموية في القدمين، مما يؤدي إلى تشكيل قروح وتقرحات في الأقدام. وتزداد خطورة المشكلة عندما يتفاقم المرض وتحدث التهابات في الأقدام والساقين وقد تصل إلى درجة الخطورة وبعد ذلك فإن الجراحة تصبح الخيار الوحيد لعلاج المشكلة.